I generally don’t get absorbed by nostalgia, perchance ‘cause I’m a completely mind-numbing when I’m alone. But once I’m teamed up with certain ‘things or people’, nostalgia starts oozing out. These ‘things or people’ are ‘friends and trains n rains’. The desk partners, their crushes, the teachers, their bloopers, the exams and the scores, quizzes and debates, the common offs and attendance, siblings and fun, everything just flashes in fronta my eyes when I m in train, as if the entire view outside the window is a slideshow of my life till now. It makes me smile in innocence or at times guilty of my mistakes. Or even worse, at times, makes me have certain realizations of how wrong I was then … all that and much more, ofcourse the inability to describe it here doesn’t condense its intensity. What I have in my mind are memories which I rarely feel inclined to go through, only to cherish them when I’m teamed up with my friends.
Friends, trains and rains have some magical powers to access my memories. Not the sad ones, only the glad ones. Some incredibly amazing authority to completely take hold of my memories, and then imparting an inertia to relapse to the Present! My mind gets completely soaked and all it wants is to remain there, not to come back in today’s worries or tomorrow’s uncertainties and (im)probabilities. It deports my brain to some sorta world in which there is no ‘Time Government’ unlike in the present where it governs you and will always do so in future too. Its some state of being where we have been and where we cant ever be again.
Sometimes I end up repining about how it has been, and sometimes cherishing that i-am-so-glad-its-been-this-way. Its mixed. Mostly the latter part though. Its some sorta gizmo, yes, memories are gizmos, that cheer you up! Memories are latent, something that is there but cant be seen. Its something that plenishes your blanks! I can stroll deep into these lanes and absorb myself in them until something external reverts me to present, only to the realization that, Time does exist no matter how much you hate it and will keep governing your life, no matter how much don’t want it to.
So here I’m, wasting my time, writing this obtuse blog, coz I really hate thing called Time. Waste it if you hate it….
Goodnight/day !!!!