
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Random Ponderings....

here are some questions which will certainly leave you perplexed, baffled or probably make you pull out your hair or simply leave you mystified..

I went thru these somewhere, i don't really remember where. . .
all are simple yes-no questions but they do get the hell outta you!

Here it goes!

1. Are you a trendsetter ?
2. Would you rather starve to death or eat another person ?
3. Would you rather have hair on your palms or have hair on your gums ?
4. Would you rather be smart n ugly or dumb n hot ?
5. Would you rather have 11 fingers or nine fingers ?
6. Would you rather have no arms , no legs ?
7. Most people would describe you as- LIKEABLE, INTELLIGENT, PASSIONATE ?
8. What’s worse-- being overdressed, being underdressed ?

What if tomorrow, circumstantially, we are made to choose like this??
It will be too tough....

What do you reckon? :)

1 comment:

trekkergirl said...

if i HAVE to make a choice,i'll rather have 9 least,i wont have to bother getting a custom-made glove for myself,,will make do wid my old glove..
with ref to Q.4,i'll go for the latter option..just for a change.. :P